Parent Participation

The Parent Participation Program (PPP) is an important dimension of the operation at St. Michael’s School. The purpose of the program is to promote a spirit of community and pride amongst our families and provide tangible economic benefits to our parish and school.

It is an opportunity for building community, giving financial support, and offer support to each other as we work together for the benefit of our children.

It also reduces the operational costs of the school. Our tuition fees are lower because of the work provided through parent participation.

Parent participation is moving back to normal this school year. Some of the regular parent participation roles have been adjusted to ensure the safety of the students, staff and parents themselves. For this year, we are going back to the regular 60 parent participation hours, per family or 6 hours per month to the school.

Parents who do not fulfill their participation commitment must pay a $1300 non-participation fee. Families who do not complete their hours may be required, in the following year, to pre-pay the non-participation. Parents who have difficulty meeting their participation obligation should contact the Pastor, Father Rossi.

For more information about parent participation jobs, please find the outline on the link below.
Parent Participation Guideline 2024-2025 ⬇️

For training videos, please find them on the link below.
Parent Participation site training videos ➡️